Référence: 9920999909006
Marque: Citadel
Simplifiez-vous la sous-couche et les couleurs de base de vos figurines Finition mate lisse Contenance de la bombe: 400ml
Référence: 9920999909006
Marque: Citadel
Simplifiez-vous la sous-couche et les couleurs de base de vos figurines Finition mate lisse Contenance de la bombe: 400ml
Référence: 9920999910206
Marque: Games Workshop
Simplifiez-vous la sous-couche et les couleurs de base de vos figurines Finition mate lisse Contenance de la bombe: 400ml
Référence: 8436554360475ES
Marque: Green Stuff World
Feuille Caoutchouc Ferreux AUTO ADHESIF 0.9mm - taille A4
Référence: 9918995023206
Marque: Citadel
Formule spéciale riche en pigment pour donner un couche de base bien couvrante Finition mate lisse Taille de pot: 12ml
Référence: 9920999909106
Marque: Citadel
Simplifiez-vous la sous-couche et les couleurs de base de vos figurines Fournit la couche de base parfaite aux couleurs Contrast Finition satinée lisse
Inside this box, you will find 223 epic scale plastic miniatures representing two full armies – Space Marines and Solar Auxilia accompanied by Titans – each of which can be painted and played as Loyalists or Traitors, as well as a 240-page hardback rulebook containing all the core rules, faction rules, lore, and galleries of stunning miniatures.
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Warhammer: The Horus Heresy – Legions Imperialis is a tabletop game of vast armies and apocalyptic battles, and this boxed set contains everything you need to start playing. Muster your forces, declare your allegiance to the arch-traitor Horus Lupercal or the Golden Throne of Terra, and recreate the truly enormous clashes that shook the galaxy in the civil war of the Horus Heresy.
Unlike Warhammer: The Horus Heresy or many other Warhammer games, the miniatures used in Legions Imperialis are epic scale – meaning they are approximately a quarter of the size of standard Citadel miniatures. This allows you to field bigger armies featuring everything from massed frontline infantry to gargantuan war machines like Titans.
Inside this box, you will find 223 epic scale plastic miniatures representing two full armies – Space Marines and Solar Auxilia accompanied by Titans – each of which can be painted and played as Loyalists or Traitors, as well as a 240-page hardback rulebook containing all the core rules, faction rules, lore, and galleries of stunning miniatures.
The box also includes all the dice, tokens, and other accessories you'll need to start playing games straight away.
This box contains:
The miniatures in this set are supplied unassembled and unpainted.
Please note that models from the Aeronautica Imperialis range can also be used in games of Warhammer: The Horus Heresy – Legions Imperialis, but must be mounted on Legions Imperialis Round Flying Bases, which are sold separately.
Some elements of this product are available separately. Please note that the base designs shown in the imagery may differ to those supplied in this product.
Référence: 60052608001
Marque: Games Workshop
EN ANGLAISThis set of Legions Imperialis reference cards makes it quick and easy to build Mechanicum and Dark Mechanicum Formations for your armies. During your games, you can use the Detachment Datasheet Cards to reference the rules and profiles of your Detachments at a glance, allowing you to focus on larger strategic concerns.
Référence: 60052699002
Marque: Games Workshop
En anglais.Grab your reference cards and get ready to unleash hell on the bloody war-torn battlefields of Tallarn for your games of Horus Heresy: Legions Imperialis.
Référence: 60042699002
Marque: Games Workshop
EXISTE UNIQUEMENT EN ANGLAIS Take to the shattered, war-torn battlefields of the Garmon Cluster with this expansion book for Warhammer: The Horus Heresy – Legions Imperialis.This 128-page hardback book explores the origins of the terrible clash that would later become known as the Great Slaughter of Beta-Garmon, and allows you to fight massive battles and...
Référence: 60032699001
Marque: Games Workshop
EN ANGLAISContained within this 128-page hardback book you will find a comprehensive history of the rift that tore the Mechanicum apart, detailing the corrupt technologies employed by the Dark Mechanicum, as they came to be known.
Référence: 60010399003
Marque: Games Workshop
EXISTE UNIQUEMENT EN ANGLAISThis boxed set is your perfect starting point for the game.It includes six plastic Citadel miniatures – two mighty Reaver Titans, two nimble Warhound Titans and two noble Cerastus Knight-Lancers.
Référence: 60042699004
Marque: Games Workshop
EN ANGLAISContained within this 128-page hardback book you will find a comprehensive history of the Devastation of Tallarn and the Fall of Sapphire City, key events in the vast and nightmarish Tallarn campaign.
Référence: 8436574506006ES
Marque: Green Stuff World
Mastic acrylique pour le remplissement.
Référence: 99122699023
Marque: Games Workshop
Ce kit plastique permet d'assembler un set de bâtiments à l'échelle epic, conçus pour être utilisés dans les parties de Legions Imperialis et d'Adeptus Titanicus.
Référence: UGD010090
Marque: Ultimate Guard
Protégez vos cartes comme un samouraï avec les sleeves Katana Ultimate Guard ! 100 sleeves pour protéger les cartes à collectionner de taille standard 66 x 91 mm.
Référence: TL5041
Marque: the Army Painter
Les billes de mélange de haute qualité en acier inoxydable de 5,5 mm mélangeront parfaitement le médium et le pigment, avec quelques secousses de votre flacon de peinture.
Référence: 99122699015
Marque: Games Workshop
Ce kit plastique permet d'assembler trois Questoris Knights à l'échelle epic.
Référence: 99223005001
Marque: Games Workshop
Ce set de dés thématiques des Solar Auxilia est parfait pour accompagner votre armée d'élite de soldats disciplinés, et pour viser la victoire dans les parties de Warhammer: The Horus Heresy.
Référence: 01100181057
Marque: Black Library
Vraks est un monde-arsenal essentiel pour l'Imperium et ses efforts éperdus pour résister aux menaces contre le genre humain. La planète est un maillon crucial de la longue chaîne logistique dont les régiments impériaux postés autour de l'Œil de la Terreur dépendent pour être prêts pour la guerre.
Référence: 1249999649
Marque: Games Workshop
White Dwarf est le magazine officiel de Warhammer, débordant chaque mois de contenus extraordinaires comme des règles inédites, de l'historique, des nouvelles, des rubriques habituelles, des invités, et plus encore.
Inside this box, you will find 223 epic scale plastic miniatures representing two full armies – Space Marines and Solar Auxilia accompanied by Titans – each of which can be painted and played as Loyalists or Traitors, as well as a 240-page hardback rulebook containing all the core rules, faction rules, lore, and galleries of stunning miniatures.